Latest Jobs   »   JSSC Stenographer Recruitment 2024: Apply for 455 Positions Before October 10th Deadline!   »   Education Qualification

Education Qualification: Educational Qualification for JSSC Stenographer Recruitment 2024

The JSSC has announced the recruitment of 455 Stenographer positions through the JSSCE 2024 exam, with online applications open from 06 September to 10 October 2024. Eligible candidates must have a bachelor's degree and will receive a salary of ₹25,500 to ₹81,100 along with government job benefits if selected. The exam date will be announced later, so interested candidates should apply before the 05 October deadline.

Candidates applying for the JSSC Stenographer positions must possess a bachelor's degree from a recognized university. Additionally, proficiency in Hindi or English is essential for effective communication in the role. Familiarity with shorthand and typing skills will be advantageous for applicants in this competitive selection process.