Latest Jobs   »   HVF Avadi Recruitment 2024: 320 Apprentice Vacancies Open for Engineering and Non-Engineering Graduates   »   Salary

Salary: Salary and Benefits for HVF Avadi Recruitment 2024: 320 Apprentice Vacancies

Heavy Vehicles Factory Avadi (HVF Avadi) has announced the recruitment of 320 apprentices for the year 2024. The online application process began on July 29, 2024, and will remain open until August 19, 2024. This recruitment is aimed at eligible candidates who have completed their degrees or diplomas in engineering and non-engineering fields.

Category Stipend (per month)
Graduate Apprentices ₹9,000
Technician (Diploma) Apprentices ₹8,000
Non-Engineering Graduate Apprentices ₹9,000